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EMU Students Overcome the Barriers with “Barrier Free Ideas” Project

EMU Students Overcome the Barriers with “Barrier Free Ideas” Project

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Education Faculty, Education Sciences Department, Guidance and Psychological Counselling Program students organized handicraft workshops, sports activities and motivation increasing various social activities for the students of İrfan Nadir Rehabilitation Center for People with Disabilities (for those over 18) within the scope of the Community Services course in the Program. A photograph exhibition is held with the photos of workshops and activities.

With the visits that took place at İrfan Nadir Rehabilitation Center for People with Disabilities organized within the scope of the Community Services course coordinated by EMU Education Faculty, Educational Sciences Department academic staff member Münise Alibeyoğlu, the aim was to create a joyful atmosphere where people with special needs had high awareness on their individual differences as well as high motivations. Moreover, another objective of the project was to support the social harmony process of the youngsters with special needs by endearing a new skill or hobby to them through workshops. On the other hand, the photograph exhibition was organized with respect to increasing awareness regarding people with special needs whom are above 18 years old.

“Barrier Free Frame” Photograph Exhibition

Within the framework of the project, various jewelry making activities as well as painting activities and song ateliers, sports activities and many games took place during 4-day long handicraft ateliers at the Rehabilitation Center. During the visits, participants spent time in Down Café which is located in the premises and operated by the students of the Center. Photographs of the event that were taken by EMU Photography Club were presented to the society in an exhibition entitled “Barrier Free Frame” on the 24th of December, 2018 in EMU Central Lecture Halls.

EMU Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Sonuç Zorlu, EMU Education Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Ülker Vancı Osam and İrfan Nadir Rehabilitation Center Director Havva Öztenay attended the opening ceremony where 30 youngsters from İrfan Nadir Rehabilitation Center were also present as honorary guests.

The exhibition, displaying more than 50 photographs, organized with the collaboration of EMU Guidance and Psychological Counselling Program, Community Services course students and EMU Photography Club will be open for visits until 28th December, 2018 (everyday, between 09:00 and 16:00). Project organizer and academic staff member Münise Alibeyoğlu and her students presented plaques to İrfan Nadir Rehabilitation Center Director Havva Öztenay and EMU Photography Club.

EMU Education Faculty Students Overcome the Barriers with “Barrier Free Ideas” Project

EMU students Afra Çabuk, Eylül Arslan, Hazal Gülüm, Merve Tutuk, Bihruze Temiz, Mehmet Can Karaca, Berk Hüseyin Akçay, Burak Duman, Berker Kabayel, Mehmet Tontu and Onur Candaş Özge participated in the “Barrier Free Ideas” Project supervised by Münise Alibeyoğlu.