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“General Safety Education” Certificates Presented to EMU Personnel

“General Safety Education” Certificates Presented to EMU Personnel

The Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Personnel Office Directorate organized a certificate ceremony at Mehmet Tahiroğlu Hall on Monday, the 30th of April 2018 for those who participated in the 2017-2018 Academic Year “General Safety Education” In-Service Training Program that was organized with TRNC Police Department’s contributions.

The TRNC Police Department, Police School offered training for a total of 252 EMU personnel from the Security Affairs Unit and other units on topics such as “Explosive material and Bombs, Security of Critical Facilities, Crowd Management, Fire Protection, Narcotics, Traffic and Forensics”.

Prof. Dr. Osam: “Very Important for Us”

Delivering the opening speech of the certificate ceremony, EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam stated “We are very happy to have completed this important course”. Indicating that EMU is more serene than previous years Prof. Dr. Osam thanked everyone who contributed to the course. Also extending his gratitude to the TRNC Police Department Prof. Dr. Osam highlighted that when needed they make sensitive timely interventions. In a speech of his own Police Chief Süleyman Manavoğlu emphasized that the three week collaboration between EMU and the TRNC Police Department has informed and raised the awareness of EMU personnel. Manavoğlu stated “Noticing incidents as a result of the information you obtained will enable you to help your family and people around you.”

Following the opening speeches, Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam presented Süleyman Manavoğlu a plaque of appreciation. Course instructors were also presented plaques and certificates by Süleyman Manavoğlu and Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam. EMU Personnel were presented their certificates by Police School Director (a.) Hüseyin Sağıroğlu, Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Cem Tanova and Prof. Dr. Tanju Besler as well as EMU Personnel Office Director Özlem Avcı. The ceremony came to a close with cocktail after the certificate presentation.