General Information
The major aim of this program is to develop curriculum specialists who are equipped with the theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and dispositions, act in accordance with the code of professional ethics, have the potential to use scientific methods in understanding curricular phenomena,and provide good quality of services within the process of planning, designing, implementing and evaluating programs.
Students are required to take four compulsory and four elective courses and write a dissertation.
Applicants should hold a BA/BS Degree in any teacher training/education program with a minimum CGPA of 2.50. The applicants from other disciplines are also accepted to the program provided that they successfully complete catch-up courses offered by the department. Besides, as a Higher Education Council requirement, applicants from Republic of Turkey are also asked to provide a score of 55 from ALES
The Department has two graduate programs: MA and PhD programs in Educational Sciences. These programs lead to MA and PhD degrees in Educational Sciences. Both programs are carried out in English and take an interdisciplinary approach to education whereby students may take various elective courses besides the core curriculum. Educational sciences area is divided into several areas of specialization such as curriculum and instruction, measurement and evaluation, educational management, and guidance and psychological counselling. Those who would like to specialize can select courses from one of these areas in addition to core curriculum. In these programs the Department’s aim is to prepare scholars who would carry out qualitative and quantitative research in education and related fields. This complies with their general aim of producing quality teachers and educational scientists who would contribute to the improvement of curriculum and instruction and education in general.
Admission Requirements
Graduates of Educational Sciences undergraduate program are accepted to the program; however graduates of other undergraduate programs may be accepted under the condition that they successfully complete the deficiency course work suggested to them by the department.
Research Interests
Curriculum development, Instruction, Curriculum evaluation, Educational administration, Educational technology, Pre-service teacher education, In-service training, Professional development of teachers and faculty, Adult education, Distance education, Effective learning, Improvement of instruction, Measurement and evaluation in education, Intelligent tutoring systems, Special education, Guidance and psychological counselling
Tel: +90 392 630 2430
Fax: +90 392 630 4038
E-mail: fedu@emu.edu.tr
Web: http://educ.emu.edu.tr