Designed for graduates of any discipline and taking only one year to complete, the MA in Marketing program can give you a competitive edge in an over-crowded job market by helping you develop the skills and knowledge directly relevant to employers' needs or alternatively enabling you to switch to a new area of academic specialization in which you can pursue doctoral research in marketing by laying its foundations at masters level. You will learn the latest in theoretical, conceptual and practical aspects of marketing and be prepared for a variety of careers in marketing management, such as brand management, product development, retailing, services marketing, business-to-business marketing, direct marketing, and market research.
Admission Requirements
Applicants are expected to satisfy general admission requirements of the Institute. In general, students who wish to pursue a given graduate program in the Faculty of Business and Economics, but have completed a BA/BS in another field may be admitted to the program, subject to successfully completing selected prerequisite courses from the related department.
Research Interests
Marketing management, marketing strategy, consumer behavior, advertising, sales promotions and public relations, integrated communications campaign.
Tel: +90 392 630 1343
Fax: +90 392 365 1017
E-mail: fbe@emu.edu.tr
Web: business.emu.edu.tr