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EMU Offers International Competition Opportunity to Interior Architecture Students

The fifth event of “International Nurten Aksugür Best Concept in Communication Student Competition” organized by the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Faculty of Architecture, Department of Interior Architecture and sponsored by Aksugür family will be held this year. Applications for the competition can be submitted until 12 July 2024. The competition engages attention from all interior architecture students around the world.

Various awards will be granted to those who complete the competition in first, second and third places. The jury members to evaluate the competitors will be EMU Faculty of Architecture academic staff members Prof. Dr. Özlem Olgaç Türker, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Afet Coşkun and Dr. Eliz Erdenizci, and Prof. Dr. Erdal Aksugür who has worked in various universities in Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Prof. Dr. Sevinç Kurt, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Betül Bilge Özdamar, Dr. Elif Erdemir Türkkan, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMBOB) – Chamber of Interior Architect’s Chair Emrah Kaymak and the Chair of TRNC Chamber of Interior Architects Pmbe Komut.

The prestigious competition has been organized in memory of Prof. Dr. Nurten Aksugür who launched the EMU Department of Interior Architecture between the years of 1997-2001, becoming the founding Chairperson of the department. Prof. Dr. Aksugür worked at EMU Faculty of Architecture, Department of Interior Architecture until her retirement in April 2009. The competition aims for Interior Architecture students to focus their attention on critical, creative and original thinking.

With the competition, students will get the chance to understand the cognitive dimensions of design, to communicate with the help of a range of individual presentation methods and to provide the motivation and support for them to share their ideas. The competition aims to provide motivation and support for young designers. To seize this significant opportunity, EMU Faculty of Arhcitecture, Department of Interior Architecture encourages all interior architecture students to join the competition. The winners will be announced on 9 October, 2024. Those interested in applying or seeking more information, can access more information at