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8 March - International Women’s Day Conference Held at EMU

8 March - International Women’s Day Conference Held at EMU

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), International Student Activity and Student Societies Unit organized a special conference on the occasion of 8 March – International Women’s Day. The event took place on Friday, 8 March 2024 at 04:00 p.m. at the Activity Center. EMU Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Sonuç Zorlu, EMU Business and Economics Faculty academic staff member and Entrepreneur Neriman Kaşif, EMU Communication Faculty Ph.D. student and Entrepreneur Hanife Erişen and, Lawyer Aslı Özgüç met with audience and shared their experiences.

Delivering the opening speech of the said event, Cemre Mühendisoğlu from the International Student Activity and Student Societies Unit welcomed the audience attending the event and thanked everyone for their valuable contributions during the organization process. Within the scope of the conference, participants got the opportunity to meet with women achieving certain success in their fields. Adding more, participants received first-hand information about the career development journey, opportunities and struggles on the way to success. At the end of the conference, individuals who contributed to the realization of the event and speakers were presented with flowers.