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EMU Organises 8 March International Women’s Day Panel with the Participation of Female Members of the Parliament

EMU Organises 8 March International Women’s Day Panel with the Participation of Female Members of the Parliament

A panel has been organized by the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Rector’s Office on the occasion of 8 March International Women's Day with the participation of female members of the parliament serving in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Republican Assembly. The said panel took place on Friday, 10 March, 2023, at 10:00 am at EMU Mustafa Afşin Ersoy Hall.

Speakers at the said panel which was held under the moderation of EMU Vice Rector for Social and Cultural Affairs Prof. Dr. Deniz İşçioğlu were TRNC Republican Assembly Vice Spokesperson Fazilet Özdenefe, Members of Parliament from the National Unity Party Resmiye Eroğlu Canaltay and Yasemin Öztürk, Member of the Parliament from the Republican Turkish Party Dr. Sıla Usar İncirli and Independent Member of Parliament Ayşegül Baybars. TRNC Supreme Auditor İlkan Varol, EMU Board of Trustees Chair Dr. Erdal Özcenk, TRNC Deputy Prime Ministry, Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment, Director of Culture Department Şirin Zaimağaoğlu, EMU staff and students attended the said event.

Delivering the opening speech of the panel, Prof. Dr. Deniz İşçioğlu stated that awareness towards gender equality in the TRNC should be increased, Prof. Dr. İşçioğlu noted that they have been cooperating with various non-governmental organizations on this issue, and on the other hand, working to carry out scientific research and provide training in this field. Prof. Dr. İşçioğlu thanked the speakers who responded positively to the invitation despite their busy schedules and introduced the successful women of the TRNC Republican Assembly and invited them to the stage.

Resmiye Eroğlu Canaltay

Despite the Women's Quota, We Could Not Eliminate Male Dominance in Politics”

The first speaker of the panel was Member of the Parliament Resmiye Eroğlu Canaltay, who started her speech by stating that this year 8 March International Women’s Day is being celebrated under the shadow and sorrow of the devastating earthquake which took place on 6 February. Stating that the country's politics has a male-dominated structure, Canaltay added that although there is a 30% women's quota in politics, they still cannot eliminate the male dominance and put forth that there are problems in voting for women. Stating that people who grew up in a conservative environment do not vote for women, Canaltay added that she finds herself more fortunate because she comes from a family with political background. Canaltay said that a woman who started politics from scratch has many difficulties when it comes to being elected. Canaltay, who provided advice to the young people participating in the panel, pointed out the importance of mutual communication, agreement and respect.

Sıla Usar İncirli

Gender Inequality Continues All Over the World”

Speaking at the panel, Member of the Parliament from the Republican Turkish Party Dr. Sıla Usar İncirli noted that inequality between men and women continues all over the world and the struggle against this inequality is as old as human history. Pointing out that the concepts such as inequality between men and women, all kinds of discrimination against women, violence against women, men and women doing the same job and getting different salaries, women's inability to find a job, women's lack of right to vote and be elected, are not old concepts, but are facts that exist in recent history. Dr. İncirli stated that the world has made significant progress on this path, but that the desired point has not yet been reached.

Fazilet Özdenefe

“Gender Stereotypes Must Be Eliminated Together”

Fazilet Özdenefe, Vice Spokesperson of the TRNC Republican Assembly, stated that men and women are not at the point of equality that should be in practice or on paper. Noting that gender equality could not be mainstreamed, Özdenefe said that as long as the wheels of patriarchy are not broken, patriarchy will continue to produce not only by men but also by  women. Özdenefe noted that women and men should collectively break the stereotypes and accepted gender roles that come from patriarchy in solidarity.

Yasemin Öztürk

“Women Should Not Give Up The Fight”

UBP Deputy Yasemin Öztürk thanked Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk for giving women the right to vote and be elected before many western countries. Expressing that she was born as the eldest child of a family with five children and a very low income, Öztürk stated that it was not easy for her to reach these days in her career. Öztürk stated that when she was a candidate for the İskele Municipality Council Membership, men told him that she could not win and that she should not be a candidate for nothing, but that despite losing two elections, she won the election by not giving up the fight, adding that women should never give up the fight.

Ayşegül Baybars

“Women's Income is 14% Less Than Men’s”

Independent Member of the Parliament Ayşegül Baybars provided information about the history by explaining why 8 March is celebrated and determined as the day of struggle. Noting that there are very serious inequalities and injustice in the world on the basis of human rights, animal rights and environmental rights, Baybars said that pushing for discrimination between gender roles makes people lonely. Baybars stated that in 1857, 120 women lost their lives for equal pay for equal work, the right to vote and improved working conditions, but even though more than 150 years have passed since this struggle, women's income are 14% less than men's according to the European Union's 2021 report.

Following the question answer session, EMU Board of Trustees President Dr. Özcenk and Vice Rector Prof. Dr. İşçioğlu presented plaques of appreciation to panelists.