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EMU Department of Architecture and INTBAU Cyprus Celebrate Cultural Heritage Day with a Joint Seminar

EMU Department of Architecture and INTBAU Cyprus Celebrate Cultural Heritage Day with a Joint Seminar

The Cypriot branch of the International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture & Urbanism (INTBAU) teamed up with the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Department of Architecture hosted a seminar delivered by AESOP member Dr. Gizem Caner.

Organising activities featuring guests from a range of different countries every semester, the INTBAU hosted Dr. Gizem Caner who presented a seminar titled “A Historical Look at the Spatial Division of Nicosia”.

Caner completed her architectural education at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) and carried out her doctoral studies on “Multiculturalism, Division and Planning: Lessons on Civic Coalescence and the example of Nicosia”.

Gizem Caner and Özgür Dinçyürek

The activity was one of a number of organisations celebrating World Cultural Heritage/ International Monuments and Sites Day. At the beginning of the seminar, Chair of EMU Architecture Department, Prof. Dr. Ozgur Dincyurek noted that such activities are important for the preservation of cultural heritage as they create awareness in society.  Prof. Dr. Dincyurek also thanked Caner for her support and the seminar she presented.

The seminar was attended by many students and academic personnel from the Architecture Department. During the seminar Caner focused on the locational organization of Nicosia during the Ottoman period and the historical progression of the city. She also touched upon the importance of history, underlining the fact that a site cannot be preserved without historical knowledge of the city it is located in.

After the speech of Prof. Dr. Özgür Dinçyürek, Head of INTBAU Cyprus, presented Dr. Caner a certificate of appreciation and a poster of the organization.