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Iliona O. Khalili Delivers a Seminar in EMU

Iliona O. Khalili Delivers a Seminar in EMU

INTBAU Cyprus, the local branch of the International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture & Urbanism (INTBAU) and Eastern Mediterranean University Architecture Faculty, Architecture Department hosted Architect Iliona O. Khalili’s seminar.  

Every semester, speakers from different countries are invited to a series of seminars organised jointly by INTBAU and EMU Architecture Department. This term’s participant Khalili is a Cypriot architect, who is also one of the managers of an institute titled “Earth Architecture”. Currently living in England, Khalili has produced numerous environment-friendly projects in different countries.

The seminar which attracted a crowded group of architecture students, research assistants and academic staff was held under the main theme of “Ecovillages of the 21st Century”. During the said event, Khalili presented information on her former workshops and projects some of which are fire-resistant ceramic houses, mud brick houses, and traditional shelters they built in Nepal during the post earthquake period. Iliona and her husband Nader Khalili won the Aga Khan Award for Architecture for sandbag shelters built with Superadobe. Highlighting that sustainability only starts with humans, Architect Iliona frequently uses earth, water, air and fire in her projects.

The seminar finished with the closing address of the Chair of INTBAU Cyprus Prof. Dr. Özgür Dinçyürek, and the presentation of a certificate and a poster to Iliona Khalili for her contributions. Expressing her pleasure in delivering a seminar in EMU, Khalili invited all EMU community to participate in the “Guest Dome” project taking place North Cyprus’ Akdeniz Village.