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EMU was Represented at The “Future of Journalism” Conference

EMU was Represented at The “Future of Journalism” Conference

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Communication Faculty, Department of New Media and Journalism academic staff member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin Ersoy attended the “Future of Journalism” conference in Wales. The conference was also attended by world renowned communication professors and researchers.

 “Community Media and Standards”

According to information released by the EMU Public Relations and Press Directorate, the conference held by Cardiff University’s School of Journalism, Media and Culture once every two years was attended by academicians from many different countries and universities. During the conference Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin Ersoy presented the article he wrote with Asst. Prof. Dr. Aysu Arsoy titled “Community Media and Standards: The Example of CCMC”.

Reader-Centered Media

Providing information about the article Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ersoy stated that their study on community media had important findings for Cyprus. The study’s findings revealed that traditional media is continuing to lose power and that reader-centered media such as community based media and alternative media are becoming more prevalent in this century. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ersoy also highlighted that community media acts as a voice for the voiceless.

 “Cyprus Needs Community Media”

Emphasizing that Cyprus needs community media, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ersoy continued as follows: “The Cyprus Community Media Centre (CCMC) has served individuals, groups, media members and civil society for 10 years. The present situation is that the functions of CCMC have unofficially been halted. However, we have been informed that the community media functions started by CCMC will be continuing under different names. It is important that formations which allow democracy, human rights and different voices to develop continue their operations.

Mobile Journalism

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin Ersoy, who also evaluated the conference in Cardiff about ‘The Future of Journalism’, said that different types of journalism were tried in the world and concepts such as mobile journalism have emerged. With the help of mobile journalism and portable electronic devices Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ersoy stated that journalists have begun to serve society more quickly and examples of mobile journalism have started to emerge in Cyprus. Making assessments about the future of journalism, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ersoy stated that journalism will not disappear, and that it will increase its power with an understanding that is constantly developing and centred on society by responding to the needs of the era. Assoc. Dr. Metin Ersoy attended the conference and had the opportunity to discuss the future of journalism and joint projects with one of the world-renowned peace journalism professors Jake Lynch. Assoc. Dr. Metin Ersoy invited Jake Lynch to Cyprus and EMU as well as proposing a workshop on peace journalism for journalists.