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EMU Hosted a Seminar on "Informatics and Entrepreneurship"

EMU Hosted a Seminar on "Informatics and Entrepreneurship"

Within the framework of the 4th International Career Week, EMU Education Faculty hosted academic staff member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selçuk Özdemir from Gazi University Education Faculty, Computer and Instructional Technology Teaching Department. 

Entitled “Informatics and Entrepreneurship for Future Generations”, Assoc. Prof. Dr Selçuk Özdemir’s talk addressed the topics of education and developing technology. 

Stating that the new generation of educators are quite lucky, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selçuk Özdemir added that former education which was shaped by old industrial age is far from catering for the information and skills required by the 21st century and due to the ongoing technological developments, students should be equipped with informatics skills which will prepare them for the future. In this respect, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selçuk Özdemir put forth that schools should be converted to workshops where students get to discover the world around them as well as the methods of entrepreneurship. According to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selçuk Özdemir, better education is possible with concrete examples and applications. 

Informatics and  Entrepreneurship - Selçuk Özdemir

A New Educational Model: Informatics and Entrepreneurship 

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özdemir predicts that the existing professions will disappear in line with technological developments and in the near future, people will have to invent their own professions. For this reason, Assoc. Dr. Özdemir stated that the new generation should be brought up in such a way that they produce new information and values. Adding that in the new educational model, informatics and entrepreneurship will play an important role, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selçuk Özdemir put forth that in the new model, concepts such as taking action, problem solving, undertaking responsibility and risks, self-esteem, self-respect and creativity will be prioritised. 

Stating the importance of developing new policies in the said subjects and putting them into action, 

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selçuk Özdemir added that the most important duty of education is to activate the feeling of curiosity in students and help them produce and exhibit what they dream about. At the end of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selçuk Özdemir’s talk, EMU Education Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Ülker Vancı Osam presented a plaque of appreciation to him.