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EMU Hosted an International Conference on Environmental Security in the Mediterranean

EMU Hosted an International Conference on Environmental Security in the Mediterranean

Eastern Mediterranean University, Business and Economics Faculty, Business Department, Public Administration Program hosted the “International Conference on Environmental Security in the Mediterranean” with the support of Ankara University, Faculty of Political Science, Environment and Regional Administration Policies Program. The said event commenced at Salamis Bay Conti Resort Hotel at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, 3 February 2016 and finished on Thursday, 4 February 2016. .

The said confrence commenced with a moment of silence and the national anthem followed by the opening addresses of EMU Business and Economics Faculty, Business Department academic staff member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz İşçioğlu, EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam and Mayor of Famagusta İsmail Arter.

In her address, Assoc. Prof. Dr. İşçioğlu stated that the current conference is the natural continuation of a former conference entitled “Local Governments”. Assoc. Prof. Dr. İşçioğlu also provided information about the topics to be discussed during the conference.

Following Assoc. Prof. Dr. İşçioğlu, EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Osam delivered an opening speech and stated during the current day, the word security means a lot in the Mediterranean, a region facing a ring of fire. Rector Prof. Dr. Osam also expressed his honor in hosting such an important conference at Eastern Mediterranean University. At the end of his address, Prof. Dr. Osam extended his best wishes to all participants and wished everyone a fruitful conference.

In his opening address, Famagusta Mayor Arter highlighted the importance of environmental security in the Mediterranean since it has been facing wars, refugee problems and other difficulties for some time. Arter expressed his happiness in attending the conference and thanked all those who contributed to the organisation of this meaningful event.

After the opening remarks, EMU Education Faculty, Fine Arts Education Department, Music Teaching Program academic staff members delivered a mini concert. Prof. Dr. Osam presented a plaque of appreciation to the conference Honorary Chair Prof. Dr. Ruşen Keleş.

Former TRNC Parliament Spokesperson and Prime Minister Hakkı Atun also delivered a speech during the conference and put forth that one of the biggest problems of the earth is to do with environmental problems. With the fast development of science and technology, environmental threats have grown drastically. Atun also added that in China, the most populated country, air pollution is ten times more than the normal levels.

Conference Honorary Chair Prof. Dr. Ruşen Keleş delivered a presentation and stated that conflicts and wars encountered within the Mediterranean Region have posed a negative effect on the environment. Prof. Dr. Keleş also added that the United Nations has taken important steps in environmental security issues during the recent years.  

In her presentation entitled “An Action Plan for the Protection and Sustainability of the Coastal Environment in the Mediterranean”, Conference Chair Prof. Dr. Nesrin Algan focused on the legal issues in the protection of the environment in the Mediterranean.

Among notable topics discussed during the conference were the demographic, economic, politic, social, cultural, ecological and climatic factors negatively affecting the coastal areas and marine environment of the Mediterranean. The conference also hosted presentations on the problems of the coastal area in the Mediterranean, the management of coastal areas in the Mediterranean, the effects of the population growth on the Mediterranean, the interaction between development (industry, transportation, energy, agriculture and tourism) and environment within the Mediterranean, climate change in the Mediterranean, the destruction of natural resources in the Mediterranean and ecological threats, political, military and economic developments in the Mediterranean causing an environmental threat, urban environmental problems within the Mediterranean and possible solutions.