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EMU International Career Fair Completed

EMU International Career Fair Completed

The 4th annual EMU Career Fair, organized by EMU Alumni Relations and Career Research Directorate in collaboration with the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Industry and the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce started on the 1st of April 2016. The opening ceremony of the said event which hosted 91 different firms took place at the Lala Mustafa Pasa Sports Complex at 11:00. The fair provided students with numerous job and placement opportunities whilst also exhibiting locally produced goods.

There is a need for qualified labour force

After a moment of silence and the national anthem, Deputy Head of the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce Vargin Varer stated that the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce is very happy to be playing a part in such an event. Underlining the need for qualified labour force, Varer noted the importance of education when taking the first step in business. He also, noted that problems await the uneducated, as a result of the decrease in requirement for unskilled workers. Varer went on to point out that the Career Fair brings together employers and students and thanked all involved in the organization of the event.

Head of the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Industry Ali Cirali noted the importance of the relationship between university and industry suggesting that future events could be expanded to an international platform. Addressing the students Cirali stated “Use the knowledge and experience you gain to form your own businesses and help your local economy.”

EMU will continue to provide community services

Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam, Rector of the Eastern Mediterranean University, noted that today was an important day and continued to highlight the fact that EMU has always valued production in the community. Prof. Dr. Osam went on to state that EMU will continue providing services other than education for the community.

After Prof. Dr. Osam, Ismail Arter, Famagusta Mayor, gave a speech in which he addressed the students suggesting that they set goals for when they have graduated and position themselves in a way that will enable the transformation of these goals into reality. Arter also highlighted the importance of enjoying the career path one chooses.

Industry, Production and Education cannot be separated

TRNC Internal Affairs and Labour Minister Asim Akansoy noted that a career is a road that never ends and a road on which improvement is always possible. Akansoy stated that when choosing a career one must identify a field where he or she can continually improve and focus on this field if it is economically and socially satisfying. Underlining the fact that industry, production and education cannot be separated Akansoy noted that this organization brings together those seeking workforce and those seeking work.

Pointing out that unemployment is one of the biggest problems in the country, Akansoy gave out figures relating unemployment and employment rates. In addition Akansoy provided information about ministry projects that aim to improve the employment rate. Akansoy thanked EMU, the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Industry and the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce for the roles they played in the organisation the event.

After the opening speeches TRNC Internal Affairs and Labour Minister Asim Akansoy, Famagusta Mayor Ismail Arter, President of the Board of Trustees Mehmet Bayram, Rector of the Eastern Mediterranean University Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam, Head of the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Industry Ali Cirali and Deputy Head of the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce Vargin Varer took part in the ribbon cutting that officially opened the Career Fair.