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EMU-PDRAM Organizes Group Study Titled “Psychological Resistance in Hard Times”

EMU-PDRAM Organizes Group Study Titled “Psychological Resistance in Hard Times”

Within the scope of the post-earthquake psychosocial support and psychoeducation studies, Eastern Mediterranean University Psychological Counselling, Guidance and Research Center (EMU-PDRAM) organized a group study titled “Psychological Resistance in Hard Times” towards EMU students.

Carried out by EMU-PDRAM personnel members Specialist Psychologist Güler Ataş Buldu and Social Services Specialist Halide Sarp, the study included information sharing and interactive studies on topics such as psychological resilience, factors determining psychological resilience, developing psychological resilience and coping skills. Following the group study, EMU-PDRAM presented the students with a certificate of participation. In a statement released by EMU-PDRAM, it was stated that group work was determined in the context of students’ psychological support needs and EMU-PDRAM psychologists’ areas of expertise. The group studies organized with a quota of 10-12 participants are to continue with various topics during the 2022-2023 Spring Semester.