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Group Studies Organized for EMU-SAR by EMU-PDRAM Completed

Group Studies Organized for EMU-SAR by EMU-PDRAM Completed

The group studies organized in April by Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Psychologic Counselling, Guidance and Research Center (EMU-PDRAM) for Eastern Mediterranean University Search and Rescue Club (EMU-SAR) members has ended. The theme of the studies was “Health Approach and Sensitive Guidance after Trauma”.

Within the scope of the studies, topics such as “Psychological Trauma and Its Effects in Individuals”, “Notions of Loss and Grief”, “Stages of Loss and Grief”, “Factors Identifying the Healthy Grieving Processes”, “Healthy Ways to cope with Trauma”, “The Importance and Ways of Preserving the Continuity of the Individual After Traumatic Life Events”, “Realizing Individual and Social Strengths”, “Psychological First Aid” and “Responsive Guidance of the Individual to Help Resources” were discussed. The group studies were held at EMU-PDRAM by EMU-PDRAM Director Dr. Psychologist Fatoş Özeylem and Specialist Clinical Psychologist Gökçe İnce.