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EMU-PDRAM Organizes In-Service Training at SOS Children’s Village

EMU-PDRAM Organizes In-Service Training at SOS Children’s Village

Within the scope of the collaboration protocol between Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) and SOS Children’s Village Association, EMU Psychological Counseling, Guidance and Research Center (PDRAM) organized an in-service training for mothers and aunts who are caregivers in the Family Based System at the SOS Children’s Village and, the youth advisors who work at the SOS Youth House. The training titled “Psychological Health from Childhood to Youth: Supporting without Stigma” was delivered by EMU-PDRAM psychologists at SOS Children’s Village Emotion Workshop.

The training consisted of topics such as Psychological Health in Childhood and Youth, The Importance of Psychological Well-being on Psychological Health, Possible Developmental Difficulties Observed in Childhood and Adolescence Periods, Individual and Social Taboos Affecting the Attitude of Seeking Psychological Support, Stigma towards Seeking Psychological Support, Stereotypes, Prejudice and Discrimination, Children’s Rights in Mental Health and, Caregiving Practices that Support Psychological Resilience Starting from Childhood.

At the end of the workshop, participants were presented certificates of attendance by SOS Children’s Village and EMU-PRDAM. Underlining the fact that EMU’s importance services towards society and non-governmental organizations, EMU-PDRAM Directorate noted that EMU-PDRAM is to continue its contributions on such platforms. Especially within the scope of the collaboration protocol signed with the SOS Children’s Village, apart from such kind of in-service trainings, it has been stated that support towards children and youngsters who live at the SOS Children’s Village are expected to continue in 2024.