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In-Service Training on Stress Management for EMU Staff

In-Service Training on Stress Management for EMU Staff

Within the scope of the in-service training program of the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Human Resources Directorate, a seminar on "Stress Management" was conducted for EMU staff with the collaboration of the EMU Continuing Education Center (EMU-CEC) and EMU Psychological Counseling, Guidance, and Research Center (EMU-PDRAM) on World Mental Health Day. During the seminar, information about psychological health, psychological well-being, stress, factors influencing stress in the workplace, and data related to World Health Organization reports were presented. The presentation and activities also focused on the positive effects of stress and skills for managing stress in a healthy way.

The seminar, delivered by EMU-PDRAM Chair Psychologist Dr. Fatoş Özeylem Küçük and Expert Psychologist Haşim Haşimoğulları, was attended by staff from various academic and administrative units of the EMU.