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EMU Implements Psychological Health Intervention Program in Collaboration with Roehampton University

EMU Implements Psychological Health Intervention Program in Collaboration with Roehampton University

The psychological health intervention program called “Super Skills for Life (SSL)” has been implemented on university students aged 18-30 the under the name of “Super Skills for Life - Young Adult version (SSL-YA)” by the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) in collaboration with Roehampton University in the UK within the scope of the research project “Preventing mental health problems among university students”. 

The research was conducted between January  and July 2020 at the Center for Applied Research and Assessment in Child and Adolescent Wellbeing (CARACAW) affiliated to Roehampton University, Department of Psychology, by EMU Psychological Counseling, Guidance and Research Center (PDRAM) Psy. Dr. Fatoş Özeylem, Prof. Dr. Cecilia Essau fro Roehampton University and Prof. Thomas Ollendick from Virgina Tech University in the USA.

Super Skills for Life (SSL) is an extensive global research/application network that includes Turkey and South Cyprus. Its children's version (6-11 years) and adolescents’ version (12-18 years) are implemented in 18 different countries and 20 different research centers. The first implementation of the program for university students was made in collaboration with EMU and Roehampton University. EMU has taken part in this global research / application network representing the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. 

Psy. Dr. Fatoş Özeylem stated that the Super Skills for Life (SSL) program was implemented simultaneously with two sources, a workbook and a handbook, and consists of 9 different sections including Transition to University Life, Resilience, Healthy Life, Self-esteem, Emotions and Thoughts, Thoughts-Emotions-Behavior, Relations and Social Skills, Problem Solving Steps, Hopeful & Goal-Oriented Future. Psy. Dr. Fatoş Özeylem added that the program can be implemented as a minimum 5 and maximum 9-week program. Psy. Dr. Özeylem stated that following the adaptation of the SSL program for university students, the program has also been translated into Turkish under the name of Super Skills for Life - Young Adult Version, and that the program aims to provide healthy coping skills to those with emotional difficulties such as anxiety, depression and stress that may appear during individuals’ adaptation to the university life and new environment. Detailed information can be accessed from