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EMU-PDRAM Pschologists’ Thesis Researches Presented at Scientific Conferences

EMU-PDRAM Pschologists’ Thesis Researches Presented at Scientific Conferences

Psychologist Güler Ataş Buldu’s study titled “Social Context and Child Rearing” which investigates the effect of parents' educational attitudes and social support on child's development is  presented as a verbal presentation at the 19th European Conference on Developmental Psychology which took place place in Athens, Greece  between the dates 28 August and 1 September 2019 which aimed sharing professional expriences and current developments in the field of Developmental Psychology.

Psychologist Fatoş Özeylem participated in the 9th Conference of Emerging Adulthood organized by the Society of Emerging Adulthood (SSEA)in Toronto, Canada between the dates 10-12 October 2019. The goal of the conference was to bring together a multidisciplinary and internationally diverse network of scholars to advance the study of emerging adulthood in different cultural and socio-political contexts. Psychologist Fatoş Özeylem attended the conference with “2019 SSEA Travel Award “ and presented two research posters titled “ Self-Blame for Inter-parental Conflict among Emerging Adults: Does it Predict the Romantic Attachment Style and Attitudes toward Divorce? and “Psychological Well-being of Emerging Adult Offspring of Married and Divorced Parents: The Role of Amalgam Family System in Turkish Cypriot Culture”.