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EMU-PDRAM Psychologist Wins EPP Award

EMU-PDRAM Psychologist Wins EPP Award

Eastern Mediterranean University Psychological Counseling, Guidance & Research Center (EMU-PDRAM) psychologist Fatoş Özeylem received the International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016) Emerging Psychologists’ Program (EPP) award which was awarded to only 40 psychologists from 21 different countries.

Fatos Ozeylem, the only delegate from North Cyprus, attended the full EPP Program (23-31 July 2016) and presented her research at the ICP2016 Congress (24-29 July 2016) that took place in Yokohama, Japan.  Ozeylem carried out an oral and poster presentation of her study titled “Psychological Well-being, Romantic Attachment and Divorce Attitudes of Emerging Adults in North Cyprus”. The study was conducted in both EMU-PDRAM and The Centre for Applied Research and Assessment in Child and Adolescent Well-being (CARACAW) located at Roehampton University, UK.